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101 Tricks w Svengali Deck
In this book Gay Ljungberg shares his performing experience with the reader and reveals a treasure of valuable secrets about the psychology and the techniques he uses.
Audience Management
Complete Course in Magic,
"Bill Tarr's classic book on sleight-of-hand magic is once again available!Learning sleight-of-hand magic doesn't have to be hard! Bill Tarr's straightforward, learn-by-picture method makes it easy...
Now you see it....
89 of Martin Gardner's finest magic tricks that will teach both children and adults the scientific principles behind electricity, magnetism, sound, gravity, water, and more. Fun and fascinating.
Science Magic - Gardner
"56 Foolproof Tricks ""Close-up card magic is performed right under the noses of the spectators. It has an immediacy that cannot be duplicated by platform magic.
Self Working Close up Card M
92 Foolproof Tricks Money and magic! A combination that never fails to attract attention. With this helpful and revealing book, even novices can astound friends and relatives with mystifying...
Self Working Coin Magic
67 sure-fire mental feats to delight and mystify: mind reading with cards, instant ESP, identify the owners of objects given to you in random order, number prediction, magically reproduce drawings...
Self Working Mental Magic
Clear instructions for 101 tricks and problems, many based on important math principles. Calculations have been concealed; tricks are carefully streamlined for quick understanding and flawless...
Self Working Number Magic
ingen särskild förkunskap eller fingerfärdighet behövs, inga speciella gimmicks eller rekvisita behövs. Steg för steg-instruktioner, med 180 tydliga bilder, lär dig hur du skall göra de olika...
Self Working Table Magic

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