Parlour Magic

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"The 18+ in the title could represent the legal age at which you could drink at a bar, and legitimately watch the routines in this outfit! Or it could be the number of cards you get in this outfit,...
18+ Card Cocktails
Classic Silk Effect: Performer ties two silks together, vanishes a third silk and it appears tied between the two fisrt silks. Quality China silks and instructions.
20th Century Silks
A rope is cut at the middle and the two pieces are tied together with a knot. One end of the rope is tied to the microphone stand or a chair and the other end is held by a spectator.
3 Way Travelling Knot
The Third Hand Gimmick is specially constructed out of pliable, yet very realistic looking materials, The Third Hand Gimmick looks and moves just like your hand!
3rd Hand (Large)
Performer displays five Jumbo cards in a fan. They are the Ace, Two, Three, Four and Five of Hearts. He takes the Ace of Hearts from the fan, reverses it with back facing the spectators and places...
Aces Trumps Jumbo
You fill up a glass with beer or a soft drink from a bottle. You adjust your tie in a slightly absentminded way and do not realise that the glass remains suspended in mid air while you do it.
Airborne Drink, bottle model
You fill up a glass with beer or a soft drink from a can. You adjust your tie in a slightly absentminded way and do not realise that the glass remains suspended in mid air while you do it.
Airborne Drink, can model
You fill up a glass with a soft drink from a bottle. You adjust your tie in a slightly absentminded way and do not realise that the glass remains suspended in mid air while you do it.
Airborne Drink, PET bottle
This glass contains a clever gimmick enabling you to show the glass full or empty at any time. You can fill it with milk or a coloured beverage such as orange juice, red wine, coke etc.
Always Full Glass
Appearing Cane made in China. Assorted colours.
Appearing Cane, plastic
An electric light bulb is shown, and with no visible connecting wires, it mysteriously lights while held in the magician's hand. But that's not all. Removing his hand from the bulb, it clings to his...
Areo Floating Light Bulb
A small black cloth bag. You place silks, cards, sponge balls or other small items into the bag and finally transform the little black bag into a lareg colourful foulard.
Bag to Silk
You play Beer Bingo with a spectator. You count the cards in the same way every time; one card to the bottom of the pack, one card in the hand, one card to the bottom of the pack, one card in the...
Beer Bingo
Beer Mug
Beautiful classic prop. A borrowed and signed bank note is held by a spectator in a handerchief. Another spectator is given a locked brass tube. The bank note is vanished and when the brass tube is...
Bill Tube dL
Three 12 inch silks in different colors are pushed in a tube of cardboard. Silks come out tied together! The silks are wound around the hand and it becomes one tri-colored 18 inch silk.
Blendo Plus
With this bottle holder and simple but genial gimmick, you can produce (from your body) an opened bottle of Coke, beer, mineral water etc. The bottle (use your own) is totally clean and can be given...
Bottle Up
Bounce-No Bounce Ball
Brittish flag (appr. 300x200 mm) + Thumb Tip. Alternative to the vanishing and appearing silk.
British Flag + Thumb Tip
"Campbell McRae of Scotland has invented an effect that has won praise from many top performing magicians. Suitable for stage, yet can be performed inches from your audience.
Campbells Cube Off
Well made plastic Card Index which holds an entire deck (26 cards in each pocket). Superior quality with features that keeps the index slim and easy to use. You only have to place your finger on the...
Card Index
Cell Out
A very good, easy, quick and highly visible effect where a black silk streamer shown freely all around and waved in the air changes into a multicolour streamer (as if stealing the colours from a...
Chamelon Silk Scarf
This pan is a smaller version of the Dove Pan, no base. Made in stainless steel (170 mm diameter, 115 mm high).
Chick Pan
How can I convince you that this is the best Ring and Rope Routine ever created? Maybe you must see it performed?  Everybody who have seen it it has two words on their lips: "IMPOSSIBLE, AMAZING!
Close Up Ring & Rope Routine
The Coin Production Hank is the original creation of Magician Goutam Guha and has been marketed for over twenty years. The original model comprised of two cotton handkerchiefs stitched together in a...
Coin Hank Plus+
We supply you what appears to be a regular Reset able Combination Padlock, which is normally opened by setting the four digits on the lock. However the lock supplied has been cleverly gimmicked, so...
Combination Padlock Mystery
The crystal tube is shown to the spectators. The magician puts three separated silks inside of it. He lets them out of the tube blowing on them and magically the silks appear tied.
Crystal Tube
A gimmick, which is easy to hide and which gives the illusion of a glowing red ball in your hand. Set of two so you can throw it from hand to hand. Comes complete with battery and English instruction.
D'lite jumbo (2) red
A gimmick, that's easy to hide, which gives the illusion of a glowing red ball in your hand. Buy two so you can throw it from hand to hand. Comes complete with battery and English instruction.
D'lite junior (2) red
The Card Change Box, as the name implies is a box for changing cards. You could use it to change playing cards, business cards, Currency bills, paper slips, small pay envelopes, or anything similar.
Double Change Card Box
These are a well made pair of nesting Chests. They enable you to secretly introduce an item into the inner locked chest, making possible some very strong magic. This is a sample effect with this prop.
Double Locked Chest
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