... doves

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A beautiful Dove Pan made from stainless steel (244 mm diameter). In french they call it "Flambé" when they set fire to the Cognac. To put out the flames you put the lid on and when you open the lid...
Dove Pan Classic
You will produce Doves professionally with One Hand operation. Slick one hand operation without velcro sounds impossible. A new harness design eliminates all the hassle with dove production.
Dove Prod from News
This is a production prop for producing a Dove. Performer shows a tray freely on both sides. Visibly and in an instant a Dove appears on the tray. If you wish you can transform a Silk into a Dove...
Dove Tray, new model
This beautiful, 380 mm high, bird cage is made of stainless steel and can be produced from your sleeve.
Production Bird Cage

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