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In this book Gay Ljungberg shares his performing experience with the reader and reveals a treasure of valuable secrets about the psychology and the techniques he uses.
Audience Management
Danny Orleans Media Packet
Danny Orleans' new book is destined to become the modern-day guide to performing magic for children.Combining his classroom experience as a preschool and kindergarten teacher with over 40 years of...
Kid Show Masterplan
Mouth coil mania! The old classic is the new rage with Mike Shelley's gourmet Mouth Coil book! A tasty treat to delight and amaze! Used by magicians and clowns, Mouth Coils are the famous effect...
Mouth Coils Booklet
89 of Martin Gardner's finest magic tricks that will teach both children and adults the scientific principles behind electricity, magnetism, sound, gravity, water, and more. Fun and fascinating.
Science Magic - Gardner
Big News! Announcing the long-awaited brand new book from Silly Billy. It's called Super Sized Silly. That's because it weighs in at an impressive 400 pages! It contains 75 lessons to make you a...
Super Sized Silly

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