Tricks & Props

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This is a classic item created by Ali Bongo and is still one of the best bits of business for the children's entertainer. You can use it in any routine where you have a child helping you.
Ali Bongo Giant Hat
Animal Prediction Cards
Please note that the text on these diplomas are in Swedish language.
AssistentDiplom (50)
The performer offers to teach his audience how to vanish an Elephant! He displays a draped tray, a picture of an Elephant, and two boards to "cage" the elephant.
Backstage Vanishing Elephant
Bag to Cape
Magician shows a beautiful 5 flower bouquet, plucks off the flowers one by one and finally make them appear in the bouquet again. The trick works automatically and is expertedly crafted from the...
Blooming Bouquet (5 fl) SdL
One of the strongest effects that you can perform for an audience is the production of an impossible object.When that object is a bowling ball, the instant impossibility is recognized immediately by...
Bowled Over
This classic prop can be used to obtain many comedy effects and gives the performer an item to use in an audience participation act. The performer produces a fan and proceeds to fan some item,...
Break Away Fan dL
3 ropes from a bar, a toy Magic Bunny is hanging from the left rope. When placed behind performers back the Magic Bunny jumps to the right rope, then to the left again.
Bunny Bar
You produce three card castles from an empty paper bag. Each Card Castle, made from miniature cards stands higher than the bag - over 11" high, and 7.5" at the base.
Card Castles from Paper Bag
A very good, easy, quick and highly visible effect where a black silk streamer shown freely all around and waved in the air changes into a multicolour streamer (as if stealing the colours from a...
Chamelon Silk Scarf
Change Bag 1 hand zippered
Change Bag 3 way
Change Bag dL Jumbo
Change Bag dL standard
An economy folding top hat designed to hold your props. Flip it open it is ready to serve. Made of plastic and fine cloth.
Chapeaux Claque
The magician shows some pieces of a poster of the great Charlie Chaplin. He gathers them together and a moment later, magically, they join toghether and the whole poster appears!
Charlie Chaplin Poster Restoration
This pan is a smaller version of the Dove Pan, no base. Made in stainless steel (170 mm diameter, 115 mm high).
Chick Pan
Chinese Sticks dL
Chinese Sticks,Tenyo
Christmas is the time when we visit our old parents, and other relatives, who long, long ago got tired of our attempts to impress on them by showing one million card tricks.
Christmas Cards
Credit for the basic effect goes to Milbourne Christopher whose Forgetful Freddie has become a classic effect with children entertainers, inspiring several models and clones.
Clown Who Lost his Head
This is the Vanishing Coke Bottle. You place the bottle in a tube, covering half of it, cover everything with a silk and vanish the bottle. You can produce silks (not supplied) from the empty tube.
Coke Bottle Vanish
A Black Hat changes to Red, the Red then changes to Yellow, the Yellow then changes to Green & finally the Green changes to Blue. Altogether four color changes.COLOR CHANGING HAT – SUPPLIED WITH...
Col Ch Hat
You display two silks, red and green, tied to each other by the corners. You gently strike them with your hand and they change colour yellow and blue. can be reversed.
Col Ch Silks
You display two large silks and tie them together by their corners. To free your hands, you tuck the ends under the edge of your trousers …. or a spectator's trousers.
Comedy Boxer Shorts, pro model
A classic Comedy prop. Liquid can be made to pour out at will from an empty funnel. Have a small boy drink a glass full of water. Now ask him to pump his arms up and down, as you touch the funnel to...
Comedy Funnel
A comedy production of water from EG a spectators elbow. This is not the standard model. This funnel is specially constructed, the stem working as a tap: turn it clockwise and it opens,...
Comedy Funnel , Super
This is an excellent "bit of business" for use with any Magic coloring effect. The performer displays a box full of Multicolor Crayons. He flicks the box towards some prop, and all the crayons...
Crazy Crayons
An excellent routine for children's entertainers, conceived by Ian Adair, the props for this comprise of a cut out crown with a large jewel, and a safe. The crown is at first covered with a cloth or...
Crown Jewels, Adair
Dantes Rope Trick
A beautiful Dove Pan made from stainless steel (244 mm diameter). In french they call it "Flambé" when they set fire to the Cognac. To put out the flames you put the lid on and when you open the lid...
Dove Pan Classic
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