Card Magic

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A Borrowed And Signed Banknote Is Found Inside A Sealed Envelope Taken from A Zippered Wallet. The performer asks for a loan of a banknote. The spectator signs their name on it before it is then...
2 Card Monte, Anglo Giant
3 Card Monte, Skinner
The classic effect made famous by Michael Skinner, with an easy to do routine by Mark Elsdon. You do not get the old style gimmicked Ace of Hearts, but the large format Phoenix Ace of Hearts!
3 Card Monte, Ultimate Phoenix
You only need the cards for the Ultimate 3-Card Monte effect? Order your refill here, you do not get the old style gimmicked Ace of Hearts, but the large format Phoenix Ace of Hearts! Give it a try!
3 Card Monte, Ultimate Phoenix refill
Gag Card with blue back and all the 52 cards printed on the fac. Anglo Giant (90 x 127,5 mm).
52 on 1, Anglo Giant
The magician clearly shows six cards and takes away three… but when he counts the cards again, there are still six. He takes another three cards away, but recounting them there are always six!
6 Card Repeat, Bicycle
You can fan the deck and let the spectator choose a card and after two innocent questions you know exactly what card he chose. Many other applications possible. Manuscript with several ideas and...
Al Koran Deck Bicycle
A very novel prop for the discovery of a "selected" card. A spectator "selects" a card from a deck. It is shuffled back into the deck. Performer introduces a large and colorful "gun", and asks the...
Bang Card
de fyra essen och tolv tillfälliga kort. De tolv korten blandas och tre kort läggs ovanpå vart och ett av essen. En av de fyra högarna isoleras under ett glas eller en musfälla.
Barcelona Swindle, Anglo Giant
Bicycle Poker FAKO Power Deck with trick cards with which you can create your own card tricks!Content:3 1/2 of Clubs15 of Spades2 Jokers with indifferent face on reverse side3 Blank Back Cards2...
Bicycle Poker FAKO Power Deck
Magician invites a spectator to select a card from a pack of cards. Spectator retains his selected card with him. Then magician introduces a jumbo card fan containing seven cards .
Big Surprise
The Card Change Box is one of the classic utility props, with a host of applications. As the name suggests it is a box for changing a playing card, and can be equally effective to change a business...
Card Box, Antique
"This is a Utility Prop that will enable you to visibly change one card to another.You can change an indifferent card to a duplicate of a selected (forced) card.
Card Frame
Card Guard Multi Tool
An elastic holder to pin under your jacket or attach to your belt. It holds a full deck or a few cards. Use it for switches or to add a few cards to your deck. Combine it with a Topit Vanisher and...
Card Holder
Beautiful and perfect working mechanical prop. It is a chromed stand holding a balloon and a deck of cards. Spectator selects and signs card, which is returned to the deck, which is mixed and placed...
Card in Balloon
Well made plastic Card Index which holds an entire deck (26 cards in each pocket). Superior quality with features that keeps the index slim and easy to use. You only have to place your finger on the...
Card Index
A spectator selects a card, which is lost in the deck. The deck is placed in a hat or a paper bag and one end of a rope is lowered into the hat/bag. When the rope is raised, the chosen card is tied...
Card Lasso
en samling grundläggande grepp och sleights som du kan applicera på ett oändligt antal korttricks. Tomás Medina demonstrerar och förklarar viktiga grepp och sleights i detalj..
Card Magic Essentials, DVD
This is El Duco's Hip Wallet version of the Card in Wallet (Kaps Wallet). First of all it is very easy to handle and to load. The load mechanism is built into the wallet but you can't see it.
Card to Hip Wallet, El Duco
Card-Toon #1 by Dan Harlan - Quite possibly the most charming card trick ever invented! A spectator names any card. You then show that each card in your deck has a little stick-figure magician drawn...
Cardtoon nr. 1
Cardtoon nr. 2
"I now know that Celebrity Smart Ass is the reason I created the Smart Ass concept in the first place. It's a perfect marriage of bulletproof method and commercial presentation.
Celebrity  Smart Ass - Pro pack
Cell Out
The magician displays four cards say, AS, 2S, 3S and 4D. Three of the cards have Black spots whereas the fourth card bears Red spots. Squaring the cards in a stack he gives a tap and displays them...
Chameleon Cards
Christmas is the time when we visit our old parents, and other relatives, who long, long ago got tired of our attempts to impress on them by showing one million card tricks.
Christmas Cards
A spectator freely selects a card from a deck. The performer passes a borrowed cigarette right through the middle of the card, then tosses the card out for examination.
Cigarette thru Card
Color Change deLuxe
Best. Deck Switch. Ever. "The Cooler" will change the way you do card magic. Vanishing Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the most coveted and praised deck switcher in... well, ever.
Cooler - Engblom
The performer displays a fan of cards in his hands. He squares the fan, and squeezes it, and the cards shrink. They are fanned again and displayed, and all the cards in the fan are now half the...
Diminishing Cards
A fan of regular size cards repeatedly diminishes several times to half, then a quarter, then one eighth, and finally one sixteenth the original size. It then vanishes altogether.
Diminishing Cards Ultra
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