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Billy McComb dvd GML
Card Magic Essentials + cards
en samling grundläggande grepp och sleights som du kan applicera på ett oändligt antal korttricks. Tomás Medina demonstrerar och förklarar viktiga grepp och sleights i detalj..
Card Magic Essentials, DVD
"This revolutionary CD-Rom/Ebook includes routines straight from Michael's act at the Houdini Lounge in the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.The Luckiest Cards in Las Vegas The Shuffles...
Closely Guarded Secrets, CDRom
On this DVD you will learn how to use the staple gimmick of professional close-up coin magic. Classic Coin in Bottle Classic Coin in Bottle Variations MAX Faction Once Bitten Passing Thru Trapdoor...
Coin in Bottle Secrets, dvd
Magicians argue over whether or not the Cups and Balls is the oldest magic trick on record. What no one argues about is the power of the trick. For centuries, the Cups and Balls has remained a...
Cups & Balls, dvd
The Essentials in Magic™ collection gives you the opportunity to enjoy one-on-one instruction from Daryl, the Magician's Magician™. Internationally known and respected as one of the world's finest...
Essentials: Sponge Balls (dvd)
On this DVD, you'll learn a host of minor miracles that can be performed with items available around the house. And no complicated sleight of hand is required! In fact, these bafflers are, for the...
Everyday Objects dvd
Its happened to every magician one time or another. Someone says, "Hey you're a magician, do a trick for me". Problem is, you're not packing any cards, coins or anything else prepared.
Everyday Objects Secrets, dvd
Learn the greatest secrets of magic's best moves & trick routines that you'll use again and again. Studio shot quality filming with fantastic step by step explanation of valuable moves &...
Forcing a Card, dvd
Impromptu Trio, dvd
Miracle-making made easy! With the techniques and methods explained on Instant Miracles, you will learn classic, stunning magic tricks - easily. This broadcast quality DVD teaches you how to conjure...
Instant Miracles, dvd
Learn to levitate, animate and move objects! All the secrets are revealed and taught to you using Invisible Thread! Studio shot quality filming with fantastic step by step explanation of valuable...
Invisible Thread Secrets, dvd
Learn to Levitate dvd
The Linking Rings is one of the best-known and most popular magic tricks of all time. On this DVD, expert slelight of hand artist Troy Hooser will teach you how to perform this classic trick, and...
Linking Rings dvd
"Don Alan influenced the tide of modern close-up magic with his clever presentations and commercial subtleties. His TV program Magic Ranch featured Don at his best and learn why he was one of the...
Magic Ranch, dvd set
Magic with a marked deck has never been easier to learn! On this DVD, professional magician Kirk Charles explores the workings of a marked deck and demonstrates its use in over one dozen stunning...
Miracles with Marked Deck, dvd
On this DVD, you'll learn a host of minor miracles that can be performed with everyone's favorite ordinary item - money. Bills and coins grab interest immediately, and can be rustled up at a...
Money dvd
Ask someone to hand you a fifty dollar bill. Change the fifty into a five dollar bill and then back to the fifty! Make a quarter jump from one hand to the other.
Money Magic Secrets, dvd
More Card Manipulations
Masterpieces from the late, great Karrell Fox. Includes bits of blose-up, stand-up, mentalism, and even a few routines designed for the kiddies. Excerpt from the Book - The Introduction "Well, here...
Much Ado about Something
DVD Lecture (73 min) with John Cornelius, Jim Krenz, Michael Close, Mike Maxwell and more who teaches you all possible effects you can do with a Pen thru Anything.
Pen thru Anything dvd
Restaurant worker, Matthew Hampel will not only teach you his real world tested routines, but, in an in-depth interview, with Steve Branham, he will reveal the “how to” of getting the gigs, building...
Restaurant Magic, dvd
Routined Manipulation 1+2
Routined Manipulation Finale
Scarne on Card Tricks
You’ve seen TV magicians on the streets all across the country perform these very tricks to amazed audiences. Now you can learn the secrets of how they are done.
Secrets, Street Magic dvd
In Shock FX, Andrew Mayne presents 13 tricks, stunts and gags for the modern conjurer. Produce a bowling ball in an impossible way, stab a pencil through your face, use insects to perform psychic...
Shock FX dvd
Simply Psychic is the finest introduction to mental magic on DVD, from the art's finest practicioner - Ross Johnson.Imagine reaching inside someone’s head and discovering his innermost thoughts.
Simply Psychic, dvd
The Fine Art of Sleeving & Lapping will teach you how to use your sleeves to perform unbelievable feats. As a companion to sleeving, the art of lapping is included giving you the dynamic duo of...
Sleeving & Lapping, DVD
Slush Powder' in your magic. Make water just seem to vanish.Find a signed dollar bill in a cup of jello!Make colored silks appear from a cup of water.Mixing and HandlingWater to Silk Bill to JelloDo...
Slush Powder, dvd
Learn the Basic's of Sleight of Hand with Sponge Balls from Professional Tod Buchanan! Tod teaches you valuable sponge sleight of hand, Up Close and Personal. This studio shot DVD will become your...
Sponge Ball Sleights, dvd
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