"Over six months in the making, Whit Haydn and Chef Anton have created the perfect shells for any Three Shell Game routine. Including design enhancements and tips from real working pros like Chanin,...
This is a professional Chop Cup made from seamless spun aluminum for the close-up magician. The Chop Cup allows you to perform many Cups and Balls type routines, using a single cup, where balls...
This is a professional Chop Cup made from seamless spun copper for the close-up magician. The Chop Cup allows you to perform many Cups and Balls type routines, using a single cup, where balls...
Set of handmade, unique chopcup balls.Each set consists of two 1 inch baseballs, one featured with a magnet. White leather with red stitching.
"This is a Chop Cup in turned hard wood, polished and lacquered, and a very attractive ""collector's quality"" prop. The all wood construction eliminates suspicion of any gimmicking.
These balls are great for Cups and Balls and Chop Cup routines, and other ball effects as well, like "Two in the Hand One in the pocket". They are sponge Balls, with a crocheted covering that makes...
A premium close-up pad that differs from other existing card pads.Luxurious DesignJL Magic created this luxurious design for this card pad that is sure to stand out among other card pads.
These pads contain a thick, dense, high quality inner-cushion, non-slip rubber back, and a high quality fabric top. By all means a high quality, professional close-up pad with which you will be...
Four crocheted red balls for the Cups & Balls.
The Cups and Balls are possibly the oldest surviving Magic effect, having been used by magicians over the centuries. Balls magically appear and vanish from under three cups, jump from under one cup...
Another set of Cups & Balls to compliment our range of several models in many sizes and different materials. This comprises of 3 spun Aluminium cups, 75 mm high and 70 mm wide, in a high glaze...
The Cups and Balls are possibly the oldest surviving Magic effect, having been used by magicians over the centuries. Balls magically appear and vanish from under three cups, jump from under one cup...
The Cups and Balls are possibly the oldest surviving Magic effect, having been used by magicians over the centuries. Balls magically appear and vanish from under three cups, jump from under one cup...
Magicians argue over whether or not the Cups and Balls is the oldest magic trick on record. What no one argues about is the power of the trick. For centuries, the Cups and Balls has remained a...
Set of handmade, unique leather balls, by Leo Smetsers.Each set consists of four 1 inch baseballs.White leather with red stitching.
Gazzo is one of the world's legendary street performers. In this ENORMOUS three hour DVD, Gazzo demonstrates and teaches his famous Street Cups routine. This is THE money-making routine Gazzo uses...
Golden Mini Cups and Balls is micro magic in the classic El Duco workmanship. These are traditional-style cups. Superbly crafted of brass; ground, polished and finally lacquered to achieve the right...
Magic Wand, turned from hard wood. Brass ends.28 cm.
Magic Wand, turned from hard wood. Brass ends. 35 cm.
Black magic wand with brass ends. metal. Light weight.
The Magic Wand is part of any magician's repertoire, and we have all used black wands with white tips for centuries. Not so the real wizards and magicians of the past (or present), and with the...