General Magic

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A vase full of flowers is clearly visible on an elegant table and in a blink or a sneeze, it vanishes into thin air. After the vanish, the table can be used as a normal stage table.
Vanishing Bouquet & Vase
Vanishing Bowl of Water, solo
Make two lit candles vanish and/or appear. Same product as the regular single candle (but a pair).
Vanishing Candle, double
The best Vanishing Cane! Powdercoated black, stainless spring steel. No rust, no grease, no trouble!
Vanishing Cane SS, black
Here are the Rolls Royce of magic canes! All the parts are made of metal and the spring is made from stainless steel giving it a nice silver look. You don't have to worry about corrosion, as a...
Vanishing Cane, silver
Vanishing Carlsberg Bottle
Vanishing Carlsberg, etikett
Vanishing Coke empty
Vanishing Coke, full
Vanishing Dove
Vanishing Ketchup
You enter with a burning torch in your hand, greet the audience, and the torch is gone! And that is it!
Vanishing Lit Torch
With this fake microphone and the pull supplied, you can make a microphone vanish in your hand. Other routones: You tuck one or several silks into your fist, the next moment they are gone!
Vanishing Microphone
Vanishing Wine Bottle
A performer borrows a watch from a spectator, then places it into a cloth bag. After some comedy patter, he bangs the bag against the table or takes a hammer and hits the bag a few times.
Watch Bag
The Miniature Ring Chest is a miniature chest with a lock, which permits you to introduce any small item secretly into the locked chest in an instant. You can produce from it a borrowed bill, finger...
Watch Box, dL
The magician is seen holding two bowls. He slightly shakes them and water splashes out. He drinks the full water of one. He then pours out all the water of the other one into the empty bowl.
Water Bowls
With a little help of this small but smart gimmick you can perform many miracles! These are some of the routines explained in instructions that comes with the gimmick: Bottle thru Table, Silk in...
Wine Bottle Gimmick (2)
Imagine being able to prepare a deck of card anyway you want to and presenting it as a brand new, unopened, sealed pack of playing cards. This device is beautifully made and will enable you to...
Wonder Deck Sealer
A version of 2 Card Monte by Stephen Tucker och Gay Ljungberg. You start by expaining the difficulty of performing card tricks due to the fact that people cannot tell the different cards apart.
Show your hands empty. Pick up one BLACK silk in your left hand and a WHITE in your right hand. Put the silks together and twist them between your hands. Fold the silks in one hand.
Zebra Silk, El Duco
The classic effect where a 'solid silver ball' floats, magically, under, around and over the edge of a cloth foulard. It vanishes and reappears. Uses no thread and assistants.
It's been said that while others saw a block of marble, Michelangelo saw the figure of David. Similarly, Joe Karson saw a vision of a floating ball in a plumbing fixture and subsequently created one...
Zombie, WGM dvd
When you mention tricks created by Jerry Andrus, several classics of magic come to mind: his Linking Safety Pins, Andrus Card Control, his classic coin routine, Miser's Miracle are but three.
Zone Zero, w dvd
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