Anglo Poker LtdEdition09 purpl
"The new
Anglo Poker Edition09 by Offason is a series of cards designed by magicians for magicians. It was introduced in April 2009 and has been developed from the
Anglo Rug Deck introduced by Offason at FISM WCM in 2006. It has been tried and tested by a panel of 15 experinced Swedish Card Magicians (including one former World Champion and eight former Swedish and Nordic Champions). Many new features:
- Standard indexes.
- New face design with lots of white space for added visability. Looks nice with a signature on it!
- New back designs in four contrasting colours (2 more to be launched soon!)
- Printed on a new embossed, soft but springy card stock.
- The only deck in the world you can take out of the box, break the cellophane wrapper and instantly do all your sleights
Article number: 2855