Now with a brand new dvd! Jahn Gallo has recorded a brand new dvd teaching the routine in detail. He also shows the original routine with playing cards.
A Magic Convention in Jaromer Czech Republic, a few magicians in a pub, no deck of cards present ..... that is the background of Jahn Gallo's clever and extensive routine. It is a 3 Card Monte, but beer mats are used instead of cards. One of the beer mats is marked with a bold X on its back and then the routine starts. As always, the spectators have no fair chance to guess which one is the marked beer mat. To make it easier for them the beer mats are marked on the face side too, but the more they know the less knowledge they have... Since the routine is done impromptu, with ordinary, unprepared beer mats from the pub, the routine has credibility. The beer mats are also very easy to manipulate! Everything can be examined! You will receive Jahn Gallo's extensive and clever routine, a thorough description of the moves and many valuable tips on a CDrom. It is built like a webbpage and contains text and film clips. You open the file in the browser of your computer. In addition you get 3 special beer mats for practice (otherwise you would ruin 3 beer mats every time you practice). You mark the special surface of the beer mats with a whiteboard marker and erase them, when it is time for the next round of practice. For actual performance you would use genuine beer mats from the pub.
Article number: 1852