This is an old classic, given a new attractive design by Tony Dunn (Art Director of Linking Ring Magazine). You produce a rabbit, at least that is what you say, but the audience notice that it is a silk hanky. Then you correct yourself that you just produced a Rabbit Silk, but the audience protest because the image on the silk depicts a duck. Then you change the duck into a rabbit! The picture on the silk can be shown as a duck or a rabbit depending on how you hold the silk. This is how I present it myself: I show the silk (duck) to half of the audience (blocking the view of the silk for the other half) asking them to think about how this animal sounds. Then I show the silk (rabbit) to the other half of the audience asking them to think about how to impersonate this animal with mime. On the count of three half of the audience sounds like ducks while the other half do more or less hilarious mime impersonations of rabbits and everybody, including me, is astonished! Excellent quality.
Article number: 1023